Choosing your Niche in 2024 — Chalene Johnson

Exodux Nile
3 min readJun 26, 2024


Choosing your niche can be a daunting task, especially if you have a wide range of passions and skills. However, it's essential for your success on social media. Let's break down the process to simplify it for you.

Understanding the Concept of a Niche

Many people feel overwhelmed by the idea of picking a niche because they view it through the lens of traditional industries. For example, you might consider the medical sales industry or health and wellness as niches. While these are valid in the broader world, social media requires a more specific focus.

The Importance of Niching Down

If you’re reading this, you probably already know the importance of selecting a niche. It’s crucial for building your brand and increasing your visibility. I’ve taught entrepreneurship to thousands of people over the last 25 years, and the key takeaway is: you must pick one specific area to succeed. The more specific you are, the easier it is for people to recognize you and what you offer.

The Specificity Needed for Social Media

Consider your own behavior on social media. When you find content you like, you probably visit the creator's page to see if their other content matches your interests. If it's all over the place, you're less likely to follow them. The same principle applies to your account. Consistency in your niche helps attract and retain followers.

Examples and Benefits of Niching Down

My co-host, Brock Johnson, exemplifies the power of niching down. Initially, he posted general tips for growing on all social media platforms. His growth was slow and steady. But once he focused solely on Instagram growth, his account exploded to over 400,000 followers in less than a year. This principle applies to countless others we've coached.

Overcoming the Fear of Niching Down

Many people fear that niching down will limit their audience. However, the opposite is true. The more specific you are, the more you stand out and attract a dedicated following. This approach has become even more critical in today's crowded social media landscape.

How to Choose Your Niche

To select your niche, start by listing your passions. Think about the topics that excite you and that you can talk about endlessly. Next, consider the people you want to help. Who do you feel a strong connection with? Who do you feel confident speaking to?

Matching Your Passion with Market Demand

Review your list and identify where there is a gap in the market. Which of these passions have the potential to make money? It's important to start with a niche that can provide financial success because it boosts your confidence and sustainability.

Adjusting and Expanding Over Time

Remember, your niche isn't set in stone. You can evolve and expand once you become known for your initial focus. For instance, I started with a specific niche in fitness and later branched out into other areas as my brand grew.

Practical Steps for Social Media

Focus your main page content on your niche. This consistency helps the algorithm recognize and promote your content to the right audience. However, you can use stories, live videos, and other formats to share your broader interests and personality. This approach keeps your main content focused while allowing your followers to connect with you on a personal level.

Choosing a niche is crucial for social media success. By focusing on a specific area, you can build a dedicated following and establish yourself as an authority. Start with what you're passionate about and where you see a market opportunity, and remember that you can always expand your niche over time.

