Creating, Selling eBook and Actually Making Money in 2024

Exodux Nile
3 min read4 days ago


Today’s article is all about how to create your first eBook to turn your passions into income. I’ll be covering how to create that eBook, how to build your audience, and how to make your first $1,000. This is the method I used when I first started my business and was able to see $100 a day from my eBook, making around $33,000 in a month. I am not a viral sensation; I had maybe around 500 subscribers. So, it’s not about having a huge audience.

If you already have a huge audience and are just looking for ideas on how to build your eBook. This guide is specifically for those of us just getting started, who don’t have an audience and are trying to figure out how to make more income from home.

The first step is to figure out your topic. Think of anything you can successfully teach—something that takes someone from point A to point Z. It could be how to get your first rental property, how to set up homeschooling for your kids, or how to start your first business in 21 days. Whatever your topic is, choose that first.

Now that you have your topic, we’ll put the eBook aside and focus on how to build an audience that cares. Some of you might think this is too much work, but it doesn’t take as long as you think. I was doing this when I had around 500 subscribers, and my subscribers grew quickly because of the tools I’m about to share.

After you have your topic, start creating content. Choose your platform of choice—whether it’s YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok—and create content around your experience with that topic. For example, if your topic is how to get your first rental property, create videos like "The Time I Bought My First Rental Property" or "Mistakes I Made When Buying a Rental Property."

Create content that shares your journey and experiences around the topic. I started my channel because I opened an online clothing boutique, and my eBook was about starting your own boutique. The content I created around that topic showed I was qualified to teach it.

Next, you need to create the eBook. We’ll go over how to make the eBook in a second, but first, link the eBook under all your videos. While you’re making content, work on your eBook in the background using Canva or another tool.

Once you have enough subscribers, go live and do a Q&A about your topic. This is a great time to promote your eBook. Answer questions and direct people to your eBook for more detailed information.

When creating the eBook, ensure it successfully teaches what you promised. Outline your sections, type it up in Google Docs or Microsoft Word, and then format it in Canva using eBook templates. Include a table of contents, an "about me" page, and a call to action so readers can connect with you further.

Finally, make sure people can buy your eBook. Save it as a PDF and sell it via a cart like ConvertKit or create a website using Wix if you plan to expand your business.

I hope this all made sense. Let me know what topic you’re going to talk about in the comments below. Don’t forget to follow so you don’t miss my next article on starting and growing your digital based business.

