Teach Your Audience and Master SEO with Insights from Think Tanks and Share of Mind Strategies

Exodux Nile
6 min readJul 5, 2023


In today’s knowledge-driven economy, time and reaching the right audience are invaluable assets. As someone who has experienced steady progress and consistent results, I can attest that building a strong relationship with current and future consumers is paramount.

Yet, it is equally important to identify market trends and recognize latent demands that arise in response to external events. These demands often materialize as mass speculation before becoming a reality. Let me share an example that illustrates this concept.

During the pandemic, I encountered a remarkable story about a 17-year-old boy who recognized the need for teachers to create online learning materials for distance education. He took action and developed a website catering to this demand, which led to resounding success. This achievement can be attributed to the explosion of users in digital learning platforms and online courses. I believe it’s crucial to delve deeper into this topic and explore its potential further.

This realization compels us to educate the market. Market demands are dynamic, requiring us to stay informed, creative, and attentive to emerging opportunities. To thrive in the knowledge economy, it is essential to create valuable content and optimize its visibility on the internet (hello, web 3.0).

By focusing on the medium and long term, we can develop perpetual products known as “evergreen” content, establishing ourselves as trusted references in our respective areas. It is vital to reflect on our existing knowledge, expertise, or our aspirations to master a particular subject. We can leverage this knowledge to stand out in the market.

After all, what purpose does knowledge serve if not to be shared and applied?

Now, let me provide you with some actionable tips:

Recognize latent demands resulting from external events

In an ever-changing and dynamic market, understanding how to identify repressed demands is crucial. Keeping abreast of the current situation while nurturing creativity is key. Remember, creativity is not just a talent but a skill that can be developed, even through self-guided learning. This involves staying informed about the current trends and being aware of latent needs that may arise. To excel in this environment, it is crucial to foster creativity, which should be viewed as a skill that can be cultivated through self-guided learning. By combining a proactive approach to staying updated with a mindset that embraces creativity as a learnable skill, individuals and businesses can effectively tap into hidden opportunities and adapt to changing market dynamics.

Observe think tanks and their research

Think tanks shape public opinion and often lead the way in determining market trends. By observing their focus areas, we can predict the behavior of the masses and anticipate changes in the flow of information. Think tanks play a pivotal role in shaping public opinion and influencing market trends. These institutions conduct research, generate insights, and provide analysis on various topics. By closely observing the focus areas and research of think tanks, we gain valuable insights into the current and future behavior of the masses. This allows us to anticipate shifts in the flow of information and make informed decisions regarding our business strategies and marketing efforts. By staying attuned to think tanks’ findings, we can position ourselves ahead of the curve and adapt our approach to align with emerging trends, ultimately gaining a competitive advantage in the market.

Establish a strong online presence

Being present on social media platforms, including YouTube, can help build a “Content Empire.” Sharing valuable and relevant content on these platforms is an effective way to attract and retain customers, increase brand visibility, and connect with your target audience. Sharing valuable and relevant content on social media is a powerful strategy for attracting and retaining customers. By consistently delivering content that provides value, solves problems, or entertains, you can establish yourself as an authority in your niche and cultivate a loyal following.

Additionally, being active on social media platforms increases your brand visibility. It allows you to reach a wider audience, extending your reach beyond traditional marketing channels. As more people engage with your content and share it with their networks, your brand’s visibility grows, attracting even more potential customers.

Moreover, social media provides a direct channel of communication with your target audience. It allows you to engage with your followers, respond to their comments and messages, and build meaningful connections. This interaction fosters trust, loyalty, and a sense of community around your brand.

By consistently delivering valuable content and engaging with your audience on social media, you can create a strong brand presence, increase your company’s visibility, and establish a deep connection with your target audience. This ultimately translates into increased customer acquisition, brand loyalty, and business growth.

Position yourself as a reference in your niche

Aim to become the go-to authority in a specific niche. By showcasing expertise, building affinity, and leveraging social proof, you can overcome objections and establish a dominant presence in the popular imagination. Establishing yourself as the go-to authority in a specific niche is crucial for success. By showcasing your expertise, building affinity with your audience, and leveraging social proof, you can overcome objections and solidify your dominant presence in the popular imagination.

To become the authority, it’s important to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in your chosen field. Share valuable content, insights, and practical advice that showcase your expertise and establish you as a trusted source of information. This will help you build credibility and gain the trust of your audience.

Building affinity with your audience involves creating a genuine connection and understanding their needs, desires, and pain points. Tailor your content and messaging to resonate with them on a personal level. Show empathy, address their concerns, and provide solutions that cater to their specific needs. This will foster a sense of trust, loyalty, and affinity towards your brand.

Leveraging social proof is another powerful strategy. Social proof includes testimonials, case studies, endorsements, and other forms of evidence that demonstrate the positive experiences and results others have had with your products or services. By showcasing social proof, you provide reassurance to potential customers, alleviate doubts, and strengthen your authority status.

By implementing these strategies, you can position yourself as the go-to authority in your niche. This will not only attract a dedicated following but also establish you as the trusted expert in your industry. As a result, you’ll gain a competitive edge, increase your influence, and attract more opportunities for growth and success.

Create a replicable, scalable, teachable, and measurable sales process

To ensure growth and efficiency, your sales process should be replicable, scalable, teachable, and measurable. Replicability allows different individuals or teams to follow the process consistently. Scalability ensures adjustments and extensions can be made as your company grows. Teachability enables new salespeople to be quickly trained and mentored. Measurability helps gauge success and identify areas for improvement.

Replicability means that your sales process can be easily repeated and followed by different individuals or teams within your organization. This consistency ensures that every salesperson can deliver a uniform and high-quality experience to customers, regardless of who is handling the sales.

Scalability refers to the ability of your sales process to adjust and extend as your company grows. It should be flexible enough to accommodate increased demands and changing business requirements without compromising its effectiveness. This allows you to meet the growing needs of your customer base while maintaining the efficiency of your sales operations.

Teachability is crucial for onboarding new salespeople quickly and effectively. Your sales process should be structured in a way that it can be easily taught to new team members through training and mentoring programs. This ensures that new hires can quickly understand and apply the proven strategies and techniques that have contributed to your sales success.

Measurability plays a vital role in optimizing your sales process. By using specific metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs), you can track the success or failure of each stage in the process. Measuring the effectiveness of your sales process allows you to identify areas of improvement, fine-tune your strategies, and make data-driven decisions to enhance overall performance.

In summary, by employing these techniques alongside other best practices for building an online presence, you or your company can effectively reach and engage with a quality audience. It is important to remember that organic traffic holds greater long-term value than paid traffic. So, focus on cultivating organic growth and nurturing meaningful connections with your audience.

Note: You may also consider teaching and amplifying yourself on advertising and marketing with the current scenario. Encouraging you to get a set of $1000 value eBook from various authors at one place. More info here

